
Bizu has been a photojournalist for over two decades. Freelancing for such organizations as The Associated Press,  The Boston Herald, The Boston Globe, Bloomberg News, Reuters, ABC, NBC, and MSNBC news. His work has been published in Newsweek, Time, USA Today, The Atlanta Journal-Constitutions, The New York Times, People, OK, US Weekly, Washington Post and other regional and national newspaper and magazine publications. He is also a contributor for Sipa USA and commissioned photographer for AP Images.

Bizu is confident in his ability to respond to critical deadlines, carry out assignments in a moment notice, and deliver high impact, aesthetically focused images which will add significant value to news, sport, corporate and feature articles.

Currently living in Las Vegas, he is willing to travel nationwide and capture images reflecting culture, political, social, and other events

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Website by Menen Tesfaye